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B.G.S.C. - Botchok's Game Shark Codes
Sony PlayStation Game Shark Codes

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Infinite Energy Player 1
800AAAB6 00C8

Infinite Energy Player 2
800AC342 00C8

No Energy Player 1
800AAAB6 0000

No Energy Player 2
800AC342 0000

Arcade Select

Player 1 Character Modifier
80119D20 00??

Player 2 Character Modifier
80119D9C 00??

Infinite Time to Choose Character
80119D0C 0713

Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes

00 - Ling Xiaoyu
01 - Yoshimitsu
02 - Nina Williams
03 - Forest Law
04 - Hwoarang
05 - Eddy Gordo
06 - Paul Phoenix
07 - King
08 - Lei Wulong
09 - Jin Kazama
0A - Gon
0B - Doctor Bonovitch
0C - Bryan Fury
0D - Kuma
0E - Heihachi Mishima
0F - Ogre
10 - True Ogre
11 - Julia Chang
12 - Gun Jack
13 - Mokujin
14 - Anna Williams
15 - Gon

Enable Theater Mode
300992FE 0003

Enable Tekken Ball Mode
300992FF 0003

Enable All Characters and Alternate Costumes (Note 1)
800992C8 FFFF
800992CA 001F
800992CC 0382
800992CE 0005

Enable All Movies in Theater Mode
800992D0 FFFF
800992D2 FFFF
800992D4 FFFF

Tekken Force Mode

Infinite Health
800AAAB6 00C8

No Health Enemies
800AC342 0000
800ADBCE 0000

Infinite Time
800AF064 1734

Have All Keys (Note 2)
800992F0 0103

Note 1: This code unlocks all of the characters in the game including the Alternate Costumes. To select the Alternate Costume, press Start on the character. So far, the characters I know who have Alternate Costumes are:

  • Ling Xiaoyu = School Girl Outfit
  • Forrest Law = Marshall Law's Old Outfit
  • Nina Williams = White / Black Stripes Outfit
  • Gun Jack = P. Jack's Old Outfit
  • Eddy = Tiger
  • Jin Kazama = School Boy Outfit
Note 2: This code gives you the three keys in Tekken Force enabling you to play up to Doctor Bonovitch.

Botchok's Game Shark Codes is Copyright © 1997,1998 by Botchok. All Rights Reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyrights reserved herein, no part of this web site may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of the author. ™ and © for all products, characters, and indicia related thereto which are contained herein are owned by the companies who market or license those products.